Cafe Info


Bone grafts are frequently harvested from various sites around the jaw bones to assist with long term placement of implants in an ideal anatomical position. The grafts are used to restore normal anatomy the loss of teeth with an associated loss of bone or alternatively following the traumatic loss of tissues from an injury, infection, etc.


The process granulate is placed synthetic graft or cadaver graft granules which are absorbable, sterile, and good quality, and covered with membranes reabsobibles collagenase, and sutured with absorbable suture. Can manifest in the mouth of the small patient bone granules two or three days after the surgery, do not worry it`s normal. If the suture is loose not trying to pull it.


24 hours after the extraction rinse mouth gently every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using warm salt water ( 1-2 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water). Continue rinses for several days. Should you have food particles stick in the extraction sites, you might want to rinse with diluted hydrogen peroxide with water. Take prescription, in the hours indicated.                            


Following extractions some bleeding is to be expected. It is normal for the saliva to be slightly streaked with blood or tea stained for 1 to 2 days. If persistent bleeding occurs, place moist gauze pads over bleeding area and bite down firmly for one-half hour. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding still persists, contact the dentist on call. 


Some swelling is normal and should not cause alarm. An ice bag or chopped ice wrapped in a towel should be applied to operated area, one-half hour on and one-half hour off for 4 to 5 hours.


For mild to average pain use any non-aspirin type of medication you like. Non-steroid anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen are recommended.


A liquid or soft diet is advisable during the first 24 hours. Drink lots of fluids. Avoid drinking with straws for the first few days as this can result in bleeding and delayed healing. The sucking action creates a negative pressure which will cause bleeding.


Small sharp bone fragments may work up through the gums during healing. These are not roots; if annoying, return to this office for their simple removal.


If you smoke it is advised that you not smoke for the first 36 hours. Smoking will delay healing and can cause a very uncomfortable condition known as “dry socket”.

The proper care following oral surgical procedures will hasten recovery and prevent complications.