Dental crowns


Dental crowns are a very safe and esthetic procedure to recover lost structure of your teeth due to fractures, wear, decay or even to replace complete dental pieces as in the case of crowns on implants.

The types of crowns that exist can be metal free (highly esthetic, biocompatible and resistant), gold or metal and porcelain fusion.

In order to perform this procedure, a personalized consultation is necessary to determine the type of restoration needed. 

Once the plan includes the placement of a crown, a specific preparation must be made on the tooth to be restored in order to receive your new tooth.

Appointment 1: 

preparation of the tooth for the crown, taking a digital or analogical impression which will be sent to a laboratory to make the crown according to the shape and color of your other teeth and the placement of a provisional crown of some resistant material with which you will remain for a few days while the definitive crown is delivered.

Appointment 2: 

testing of the crown in your mouth to be sure that it fits perfectly and that the color is ideal, once this is done, we proceed to the final cementation of your crown.

1. Initial Consultation and Planning

Examination: The dentist or oral surgeon examines your mouth, teeth, and jawbone. This may include X-rays or 3D imaging.

Treatment Plan: A personalized treatment plan is created based on the condition of your jawbone, the number of teeth being replaced, and your overall oral health.

2. Implant Placement

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area where the implant will be placed.

Surgical Placement: A small incision is made in the gum to expose the bone. A hole is drilled into the bone, and the dental implant (a small titanium post) is inserted.

Healing Period: The gum is sutured back, and the implant is left to integrate with the bone over several months (usually 3-6 months). This process is called osseointegration.

3. Abutment Placement

Reopening the Gum: Once osseointegration is complete, a minor surgical procedure is performed to expose the implant.

Abutment Attachment: A connector piece called an abutment is attached to the implant. The gum tissue is then allowed to heal around the abutment.

4. Crown Placement

Impressions: Impressions of your teeth and the abutment are taken to create a custom crown.

Crown Fabrication: The crown, which looks like a natural tooth, is made in a dental laboratory based on the impressions.

Crown Attachment: The custom-made crown is securely attached to the abutment. The fit and bite are checked and adjusted if necessary.

5. Follow-Up

Check-Ups: Regular dental check-ups are scheduled to ensure the implant and surrounding tissues are healthy and functioning properly.

Summary of Components:

Implant: The titanium post that acts as the tooth root.

Abutment: The connector piece that attaches the crown to the implant.

Crown: The artificial tooth that is placed on top of the abutment.

This procedure helps restore function and aesthetics, providing a durable and natural-looking tooth replacement.


Las coronas dentales son un procedimiento muy seguro y estético para recuperar estructura perdida de tus dientes a causa de fracturas, desgaste, caries o incluso reponer piezas dentales completas como en el caso de coronas sobre implantes.

Los tipos de coronas que existen puede ser libre de metal (altamente estética, biocompatible y resistente), oro o fusión de metal y porcelana. Para poder realizar este procedimiento, se hace necesaria una consulta previa personalizada para determinar el tipo de necesidad de restauración. 

Una vez que el plan incluye la colocación de una corona se tiene que hacer una preparación específica sobre el diente que desea restaurar para posteriormente recibir su nuevo diente

Cita 1: 

preparación del diente para corona, toma de impresión digital o analógica la cual se enviará a un laboratorio para que realice la corona de acuerdo a la forma y color de sus demás piezas dentales y la colocación de una corona provisional de algún material resistente con la que permanecerá algunos días en los que la definitiva es entregada.

Cita 2: 

pruebas de la corona en su boca para estar seguros que asienta perfectamente y que el color es el ideal, una vez hecho esto, se procede a la cementación definitiva de su corona.