Dental Veneers


Veneers are a form of restoration that is done to teeth to improve their appearance. Ceramic veneers are made of a very thin material that is placed on the surface of the teeth and are a great aesthetic and functional alternative to correct problems such as worn, badly shaped, stained teeth, with diastemas (spaces), etc.

Cosmetic dental veneers offer the possibility of significantly improving the smile by changing the color, size and shape of the teeth, without the need for excessive grinding. This procedure allows correcting dental imperfections quickly and effectively, providing a more harmonious and attractive smile without compromising the natural tooth structure.


Las carillas son una forma de restauración que se hace a los dientes para mejorar su apariencia.

Las carillas cerámicas estan hechas de un material muy fino que se coloca en la superficie de los dientes y son una gran alternativa estética y funcional para corregir problemas como dientes desgastados, mal formados, manchados, con diastemas (espacios), etc.